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    2 Results with the "Bang" tag

    Definition: 班恩(1857—1912),丹麦作家。

    • by 鲁迅 Chapter One Preface For more than a year, I've been contemplating writing the definitive biography of a certain Mr. Ah Q. Yet, as I prepare to put pen to paper, I find myself reflecting on the past, a clear sign that I'm not a person of unwavering conviction. The immortal pen, they say, must record the deeds of an immortal soul. Thus, the person is immortalized through the writing, and the writing through the person – a cycle that blurs the lines of dependency. Eventually, I find myself tasked with…
    • Chapter


      《奔流》编校后记 Cover
      by 鲁迅 一 创作自有他本身证明,翻译也有译者已经解释的。现在只将编后想到的另外的事,写上几句—— Iwan Turgenjew早因为他的小说,为世所知,但论文甚少。这一篇《 Hamlet und Don Quichotte》是极有名的,我们可以看见他怎样地观察人生。《 Hamlet》 中国已有译文,无须多说;《 Don Quichotte》 则只有林纾的文言译,名《魔侠传》,仅上半部,又是删节过的。近两年来,梅川君正在大发《…