5 Results with the "摩理思" tag
Definition: 摩理思(W.Morris,1834—1896) 通译莫理斯,英国作家、社会活动家。他在作品中号召人们与压迫者作斗争,并积极参加英国工人运动。著有长诗《地上乐园》、小说《虚无乡消息》、《约翰·保尔的梦想》等。鲁迅译本《出了象牙之塔》的第九篇《从艺术到社会改造》,副题为“威廉摩理思的研究”。
——威廉摩理思的研究 No artist appreciated better than he the interdependence of art,ideas and affairs. And,above all,Morris knew better than anybody else that Morris the artist ,the poet,the craftsman,was Morris the Socialist,and that conversed,Morris the Socialist was Morris the artist,the poet,the craftsman. —Holbrook Jackson,All Manner of Folk. P.159. …-
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