14 Results with the "左拉" tag
Definition: 左拉(É.Zola,1840—1902),法国作家。1894年,犹太血统的法国军官德莱孚斯被诬泄露军事机密罪判处终身苦役。左拉于1897年对此案材料作了研究后,给法国总统佛尔写了一封《我控诉》的公开信,为德莱孚斯辩护,控诉法国政府、法庭和总参谋部违反法律和侵犯人权,以致被控诽谤罪而逃亡伦敦。在这一事件中,法国报刊不断刊载攻击他的文字和漫画。直至左拉死后四年(1906),该案终于真相大白,撤销原判,德莱孚斯恢复军职。
——威廉摩理思的研究 No artist appreciated better than he the interdependence of art,ideas and affairs. And,above all,Morris knew better than anybody else that Morris the artist ,the poet,the craftsman,was Morris the Socialist,and that conversed,Morris the Socialist was Morris the artist,the poet,the craftsman. —Holbrook Jackson,All Manner of Folk. P.159. …-
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