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      I. Foreword

      I. Foreword Cover
      by 鲁迅 CHAPTER I A FOREWORD BY THE AUTHOR FOR more than a year or two I have been wanting to write the true story of Ah Q, but while, on the one hand, I was desirous of doing it, on the other, I vacillated in my purpose. This proves that I am not the sort of person whose name can depend upon his writing for preservation, because in times past it has been necessary that an immortal pen preserve in writing the memory of a person who is to be of imperishable fame; therefore, it is not clear which is dependent…
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      亚历克舍夫小传 Cover
      by 鲁迅 尼古拉・瓦西里耶维奇・亚历克舍夫(Николай Васильевич…
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      古物广告(二幅) Cover
      by 鲁迅
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      苏沃罗夫简介 Cover
      by 鲁迅 阿纳托利·苏沃罗夫(Анато́лий Андре́евич…
    • Chapter


      铸铁厂 Cover
      by 鲁迅 铸铁厂…
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      斯塔罗诺索夫小传 Cover
      by 鲁迅 彼得·尼古拉耶维奇·斯塔罗诺索夫(Петр Николаевич…
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      PREFACE Cover
      by 鲁迅 "The True Story of Ah Q" is written in what is known as Pai-hua, or the colloquial style, which is very nearly an exact representation of Mandarin, the language spoken in Peking and throughout much of China, especially in the northern parts, and considered the official language. Its easy flow and natural expression are in marked contrast to the old classic style, Wen-li, which, though more concise and usually more polished and beautiful, is, nevertheless, difficult to understand because it is filled with…
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      普希金像 Cover
      by 鲁迅
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      契诃夫像 Cover
      by 鲁迅 契诃夫像…
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      保夫理诺夫小传 Cover
      by 鲁迅 帕维尔·雅科夫列维奇·保夫理诺夫(Павел Яковлевич…